What is the Return on Investment on the Equity in Your Home?

What is the Return on Investment on the Equity in Your Home? Some people think it’s the rate of appreciation on real estate in their local area.  Other’s aren’t quite sure what to say because it seems like the answer should be obvious but if it is, why do I ask the question?  Because the […]

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Top 5 Reasons Why You Should NOT Refinance Your Mortgage

I was meeting with a client the other morning who needed to either refinance or sell her townhome to access some equity to pay off her sister.  If she decides to sell, she will buy another townhome closer to work, where as it will be pretty much business as usual if she refinances.  A situation […]

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The Impact of the New Tax Law on Real Estate Owners

Toward the end of 2017 congress approved a new tax bill that was signed into law and became effective as of January 1, 2018.  If you own real estate, there are several thinks you need to know so that you can make educated decisions regarding buying, selling, and holding real estate.  I’ll start of with […]

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Four Ways to Put Your Equity to Work for You: #3 – Investment Portfolio

In the first of this four part series, I talked about using your equity to renovate and update your home.  Part two discussed taking your equity out to buy a 2nd home.  In the third installment of ways to put your equity to work for you, I will discuss starting an investment portfolio. Invest in […]

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Four Ways to Put Your Equity to Work for You: #2 – Vacation Get-away

You have equity in your house and it’s increasing every month as you pay your mortgage down and as your house appreciates.  What is your equity doing for you?  Absolutely NOTHING.  As I have written in many other blog posts (here’s one:  Four Ways to Put Your Equity to Work for You:  #1 Renovate / […]

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Four Ways to Put Your Equity to Work for You: #1 – Renovate / Update

Buy this… and turn it into something like this… What is the Return on Investment of the Equity in Your Home? The answer may surprise you…it’s a big, fat ZERO.  This is the first in a 4-part sears about how you can put your equity to work for you.  “But my equity is already working for […]

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